I'm a proficient online presence specialist with expertise in website development, marketing automation and social media services. Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my project case studies and resume.
I have more than 15 years of experience providing comprehensive digital services for a broad spectrum of clientele. Below is a quick overview of my main skill sets. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume.
Web Development
Content Management Systems
Static Site Generators
Website Builders
NoCode Platforms
Search Engine Optimization
Marketing Automation
Customer Relationship Management
Direct Email Marketing
Sales Funnel Strategy
Omnichannel Retargeting
Analytics & Reporting
Social Media
Community Management
Paid Digital Ads
Networking Outreach
Content Writing
Profile & Page Optimization
Great clients I've worked with
With Raffaella's exceptional expertise, our agency's homepage underwent a remarkable transformation, consistently captivating clients and standing out among competitors.
Our previous webmaster left us stranded; Raffaella revived our website with teamwork and dedication, delivering an efficient solution for our non-profit at an affordable rate.
Raffaella revamped my portfolio with extraordinary precision, tailoring the site for my needs. Her insightful guidance led to a delightfully swift and user-friendly outcome.
For years, Raffaella has expertly managed my website and social profiles, amplifying the reach of my agricultural insights—vital for my roles as a farmer and communicator.
Raffaella brings a refreshing, modern, and professional touch to our website, turning our collaboration into a transformative journey toward excellence, beyond a mere service.
Raffaella, my digital expert for nearly two decades, navigates the digital landscape seamlessly, showcasing unmatched expertise. She's definitely the best in the game!
Looking for an experienced online presence specialist to enhance your digital operations? To start an initial chat, just drop me an email at info@raffaellarinaldi.com or use the form on the contact page.